Engine Additive Problem Solvers to get your car and diesels back on the road in the cheapest fastest way

These preselected packages of Mega Power Additives are ending vehicle oil burn, Blowby, seal leak, lost compression and tune ups. Give Your vehicles a second lifeThese preselected packages of Mega Power Additives are ending vehicle oil burn, Blowby, seal leak, lost compression and tune ups. Give Your vehicles a second life

Engine Additive Problem Solvers  from mega Power Additives will have your car and diesels back on the road in the cheapest fastest way.

  • Mega Power Maintenance Kits provide chemical cleaners that break sludge down to a liquid to drain out. Unlike solvent engine flushes that can only stay in your engine for 5 minutes,  Mega Power Maintenance Kits provide chemical cleaners that work as you drive to do the cleaning needed, but makes it a safe procedure.   
  • And unlike just an oil change - they remove what the last oil change left behind. And prevents the new fresh oil  from making more sludge.  
  • Engine additives. And unlike most engine additives, Mega Powers adds protectors to the kits. Protectors, stop leaks, stop problems additives included do not gum up your engine or components like most gooey additives do. Because they are not thick gooey formulas, but are watery thin chemicals - like the oils consistency, and provide problem solving and anti-wear. Features for problem solving and long life car care no other additive brand offers.

      Mega Power's Vehicle Maintenance Kits 

     Mega Power's Maintenance Kits provides the vehicle owner the ability to

  1. Reverse the components wear of the last 5000 to 10,000 miles back to its former state. 
  2. It does so by its friction reduction feature, and by filling worn spaces. 
  3. That ends internal problems as the cleaning process works, and makes the vehicle run as if near new again. This is quite noticeable.
  4. Most noticeable are when all the components engine transmission radiator steering systems are so serviced. The vehicle will operate as if bigger, yet run as if smaller and more economical. 

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    These kits avoid thousands  in repair  cost  - you avoid, by using them. See customer reviews on this point below. They give you 20 to 40 more miles distance - so in a sense, they pay for themselves. Or the repair shop and car dealer if not.

      The first few years of a vehicles life the internal not yet dirty, nor friction laden. But its building up for sure.

being the first phase of extended vehicle life and are made to exceed the manufacturers engine oil, transmission, radiator, and steering systems new change out requirements in that way and in the following.   

  1. A Mega Power Brand also adds its premium anti-wear additives to the kit.  These chang h surface back from rough to smooth like when the car was new. 
  2.  They provide a good solution to their vehicle operating problem..
  3. The mechanic, and individual has everything they need to chemically tune up, do servicing, end  the vehicles problem in one easy package. 
  4. Most people come here  - not just for a tune up chemicals, but looking for a good solution to their vehicle operating problem..

     You may wonder of the advantages of Mega Power Maintenance Kits.

  • They area total vehicle care solution.  How so?:
  • The kits - I call treatments, and what they are referred to from now on, include both the needed cleaning of the component and their needed protecting features. 
  • The clean method are by are cleaning conditioner that change your vehicles dirty rough wearing, trouble causing parts to clean. Problem start ending...
  •  The two protectors includesd change the friction causing rough surfaces to smooth and now problem free operating. 

      History : Since 1980 Mega Power has lead the research in premium automotive servicing. This means the cars components don't just get a fluid change - NO! You vehicles have a needed cleaning of the component and their needed protecting features included. That's premium care. 

  • Premium Care from Mega Power cleans out years of crud build up. And ends the components problems.
  • It also exceeds the car/equipment manufacturers 25,000 - Mile Servicing, too. 
  • In this way the main purpose for our Mega Power Maintenance Kits offers you the best option to do both.
  • Its what keeps your vehicles going year after year. 
  • They solve the 4 problems of your vehicle. 
  • They are the purpose of what each kits potent ingredients  do to assure an instant end  [usually with in an hour] of your component problems. 
  • Guaranteed to!

     Street Proven. After labratory testing. That means each Maintenance Kit provides proven problem ending Solutions to

  1. What cleans right. Not only that, 
  2. They come with Protection Features like MC+. They do the friction elimanting causing of problems by making the cars interior rubbing surfaces  
  3. And you have by made-easy directions. 
  4. Direction included come from Pros - like me, detailed in Recipe Format for easier install understanding of the steps that make it happen. 
  5. Each Fix Provides that components Do-It-Yourself 25,000 -Mile Servicing instructions.
  6. Every car can now be service bumper t bumper by the do it yourselfer and the individual, using the local quick lube to do the fluid change out to end his vehicles problems. 

    It offers the introduction, application and usage to Mega Power Brand of Additives. Their Unique Product Line Covers Bumper to Bumper Servicing, and problem solving - and because of their MC+ Anti-Wear Protection included. You gain both at one application. 

    Made easy to purchase and use, with a FREE Phone Tech for those needing such help. 

     Made easy by My methods. Features  a trusted 50 year car and equipment Automotive Care, Service Maintenance, and Wear and Tear Solution. Explained by me... george christ. America's Car Equipment Problem Solving Expert.

   Covers the explanation of Mega Power Brand Engine, Transmission, Steering and Radiator Protectors and Problem Solvers to Service or End their Problem.

    For you: A one stop location for bumper to bumper Servicing, and wear and tear ending source for those that known oils and fluids can't provide problem avoiding protection. What avoids their repair need!  What Ends them. All claims are back by customer experiences.

    Sure. Wise Mechanics add our Mega Power to finish actual repairs. its also installed during repair to condition parts not replaced so they run as good as the new ones. An advantage oils and fluids cannot provide. Order them for that  solution here. 

    Start by signing up for my email newsletter below.


  • The choice of car buffs who found their bumper-to-bumper Servicing Treatments to never let vehicles have common problems, nor "wear out" - because good oil and fluids can't.
  • For people seeking a low cost solution to bypass expensive engine and gear operating problems, because they "remove their causes" - ending the problem."
  • End come-back complaints.
  • Helps farm and equipment owners keep negatives like acids and moisture from from damaging seals, bearings and fuel systems and pumps, in their many subsystems -during months of non use - while its friction smoothing features help equipment run at full strength - without internal damage and common in field breakdowns - under the hottest, most stressful conditions, year after year.
  • Favored by bikers, classic car owners, sport equipment owners, and race car engine and gear builders for their ability to avoid problems. Stop raw friction problems on critical start up parts. The way to provide year after year, trouble free usage, yet gain maximum horsepower, and its enjoyment, on demand.
  • Better ? Think about it...When new, your car and diesels engine pistons, bearings, valves, gears and such have smooth clean surfaces.Their smooth easy movement is what gives you gives you their amazing power, zip, and great fuel economy. But...Each time you change oil, the dirty fluid drains out, but it leaves behind a little more friction sludge and carbon build up. After 100,000 or more miles those negatives overload and upset the weaker parts.And that makes for your operating or mechanical problem.That's the why those negatives are what cost an engines repair $4000 + cost to remove.
    How Mega Power's Bumper-to-Bumper Treatments Fix and End Your Engine Transmission Radiator Steering and a/c Problems So Inexpensively... Mega Power products end their pistons, bearings, valves, gears and such problems because they change those dirty friction loaded, upsetting  pistons, bearings valves and gears to smooth.This ends dozens of problems they develop - by reversing the worn problem-causing state.This also returns the their amazing power, zip, and great fuel economy like when new 

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Call me for advice and ordering if you like. That's what I'm here for. Not a ROBOT! call me ...george at 512 665 3388 24/7

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