Ordering: My Mega Power Slo-wear Diesel Injector Problem and Engine Additive. It comes in 5 pak gallons suitable for treating one truck - 4 cars and pick ups. In English, Spanish, French, German, Russian. Satisfaction guarantee. Ships to your door in about 3 days by FedEx. cc billing. Just $397. Free shipping deals to customers may soon end. Otherwise shipping is $45 by FedEx. usa For solving diesel fuel injector problems Fleet amounts and mechanic's prices, call me. A $500 value.
Diesel fuel injector problems Contact Info: On a smartphone, to ask a question, order items listed, query by email : megapower@grandecom.net -or call me...george at 512 665 3388
According to trucktrend.com [see link bottom of page], injector trouble can come from several sources.
The 3 items above offer diesel owners a simple way to solve complex problems. It's a chemistry soup problem! Solved at the residue forming stage, and work backwards, to remove the negatives, to do the good needed! Ending direct fuel injector problems with Mega Power's anti-wear additives provides quick injector and engine cleaning to return smooth engine operation at low cost.
The solving of diesel fuel injector problems.
Deposits and wear of HEUI injectors causes the injector to become stuck due to static friction, or 'stiction', and can prevent the injector from delivering.
This causes 6.0 & 7.3L Power Strokes to suffer from hard starting, rough idling, reduced power and response, bucking and smoking until the engine is warmed up.
The Solution to bucking and smoking.
Ending Friction and Sludge Drag on Engine Parts, Pump Parts, the Spool, and Injectors, Returning Smooth Operation. Spray Operating Problems.
Ending Friction and Sludge Drag on Engine, Pump, Spool, and Injectors Returns Smooth Operation. Ending Spray Operating Problems.
Ordering: My Mega Power Slo-wear Diesel Injector Problem and Engine Additive. It comes in 5 pak gallons suitable for treating one truck - 4 cars and pick ups. In English, Spanish, French, German, Russian. Satisfaction guarantee. Ships to your door in about 3 days by FedEx. cc billing. Just $397. Free shipping deals to customers may soon end. Otherwise shipping is $45 by FedEx. usa For fleet amounts and mechanic's prices, call me.
The Install. Large diesel fuel injector problems
Add One Quart Mega Power Diesel Injector Cleaner to each 50 gallon fuel tanks.
Add MP 1/2 Gallon MP Engine Cleaner to the engine oil. Drive letting these work on the engine cleaning for a week.
A week later just before an oil change. Add 1/2 gallon MP Engine Cleaner to th Dirty oil ten minutes before an oil change. Drain out oil. To the new oil add one gallon MP Oil Treatment.
The way to eliminate hard start and drivability issues caused by HEUI injector misfires in 6.0L & 7.3L Power Strokes. You can see the benefits of doing Mega Power Service to remove crud causing problems . Is there any better way to do so. Let me know. Thousands have bough the Mega Power Treatment to solvethis otherwise very costly repair avoiding problem.
How Mega Power Works
Mega Power Diesel Injector Cleaner will clean out HEUI injector deposits removing their restrictions while special lubes provide friction reducing film for their snap-open movement and timrly fuel insertion.
The Mega Power cleaning conditioning aspect
By Mega Power providing HEUI injectors and engine the completer treatment the oil pressure lubrication to raise fuel pressure inside the injector easily to move them to spray at high temperatures in the combustion areas is one thing good. Removing sludge like tar on the spool valve improve movement while correcting friction problem offers the right firing time. Adding Mega Power Diesel Injector and Engine Cleaner to th fuel and oil you have the means to remove and disperse deposits. Their MC+ ingredients forms a friction reducing solid boundary lubricating film. Mega Power is an economical approach to return the quiet smooth operation you can depend on to keep diesels going strong year over year. Its a self-paying method. PEA certified.
Mega Power Diesel Injector Cleaner Application to treat one Power Stroke.
We recommend adding a gallon of Mega Power Engine/sludge remover tot he dirty oil to start removing sludge and depositing it in the oil for drain out a half day oof driving beforan oil change. Add a quart of Mega Power Fuel Additive to each fuel tank and a gallon to motor oil at oil changes. Add a gallon of Mega Power along with the fresh oil . Between oil changes if a gallon or so low of oil add one more gallon Mega Power to the oil to control the problem to the next oil change. engine oil free of mucky black carbon results and can continue to be used for untill the carbon deposits incate it time to drain out. Mega Powr's flush and cleaners may end the oil burn and blowby problem. It's Hi-tech chemistry keeping your operation at a lower cost per mile!
Only 2 companies offer such.
Moisture based intake products are one of them!
They work well, but are very limited as to providing other engine and gear needs - listed below.
What is needed is a complete diesel fuel injector problem solving additive formula that covers all your engine needs - top and bottom, not just part way, as the above demo shows.
Diesel fuel and oils contain sulfurs and other caustics.
Add additives to oil and fuels limit acidic and residue-causing-harm that sulfurs and caustics in motor oil and fuels cause.
- but some caustic laced residues still form and causes 3 kinds of harm to your engine - [and gears].
Mega Power:
Prevents rapid wear-out.
Results will make the vehicle start easier, idle smoother.
Have more zip, more power under load.
Go 20 to 40 more miles on each fill up.
Stay that way indefinitely if so treated.
While its not this article's duty to cover the tech how, they are easily found.
What we can offer are products that meet those goals.
The Mega Power Brand you can order here.
They do what is advertised and pay for themselves many times over - customers tell us.
Install Mega Power as shown to gain those complex advantages your rigs and equipment need
to run good-as-new-again - even though new, older having running troubles - even well worn!
They will show their worth producing for you near new, immediate trouble-ending results in every vehicle installed!
Ordering: My Mega Power Slo-wear Diesel Injector Problem and Engine Additive. It comes in 5 pak gallons suitable for treating one truck - 4 cars and pick ups. In English, Spanish, French, German, Russian. Satisfaction guarantee. Ships to your door in about 3 days by FedEx. cc billing. Just $397. Free shipping deals to customers may soon end. Otherwise shipping is $45 by FedEx. usa For fleet amounts and mechanic's prices, call me.
An acid neutralizer s are beneficial in diesel fuel injector problem solving additives, and only 2 brands have successfully maintained provided them. See our choice above.
Other factors to consider.
Humidity and heat makes those sulfurs acidic. They start in the fuel and hit the fuel pump first. Acids become the vehicles worst enemies. They ruin the fuel pump, and jell the fuel, leaving a sticky residue on the injectors. Adding to the problem...
Your engine has a device to capture and recirculate combustion that slips past the pistons that contain moisture. This is sent back in a system into the air intake. This acidic mixture then leaves a film on the outside injector tip.
For those reasons, both inside and outside surfaces of the injector need cleaning along with every other part and internal surface. As this chart shows, only one product for the fuel and oil can neutralize acids and clean both sides of the injectors, and every part and surface.
Ending diesel fuel injector problems with Slo-wear anti-wear additives.
CLEANS INJECTORS IN 10 MINUTES OF DRIVING GUARANTEED! Comes in in a six pak 12 oz 72 oz total for one car or pickup. Gallons and Drums for fleet usage. Any diesel operated vehicle.
While a couple days downtime in the shop and a costly $2000 plus repair is often what's offered, this product will do the job as described for under $400 for trucks and commercial equipment.
The Slo-wear Diesel Fuel Injector Problem Treatment includes
Ordering: Slo-wear Diesel Injector Problem Additive comes in 5 pak gallons suitable for treating on truck. In English, Spanish, French, German, Russian. Satisfaction guarantee. Ships in a few days by FedEx to your door. cc billing. Just $397. Free shipping to first 25 customers. Otherwise shipping is $45. usa
Call for diesel fuel injector problem solving additives with anti-wear for fleet, and resale ordering, and to ask questions... call me... george at 512 665 3388.
Ending diesel fuel injector problems with anti-wear additives
To use or not to use: Most diesel owners prefer to try an additive when a diesel fuel or engine problem appears. If that's you, the following gives you the top quality product we found, and customers like, to use as your guide to selecting an additive to solving your diesel fuel injectors problems.
Advantages: While low quality fuel is sometimes a trouble maker, and common engine and fuel additives sold at truck stop and parts stores due little, if any good; research comes to the rescue with real value offering results, an a promise of money-back, if not satisfied.
Anti wear features reduce motor drag, hot-spot temperatures, and shift problems - if added to gear oils.
Other features reduce oil burning, valve and combustion cleaning, and horsepower improving advantages lost to dirty conditions and wear.
The Slo-wear fuel engine and gear additive treatment Directions...
Usage: Slo-wear, installed in the oil and fuel tank in the following rates correct clean dirty injectors.
Slo-wear is added monthly to fuel tanks at a rate of one quart to 50 gallons diesel or gas. 15% to engine as a percentage of oil. 15% to gear boxes and differentials. 10% mix with engine oil and assembly grease as the lube and grease in repairs as a lube and break-in aid. Packaging:
Ordering: Slo-wear Diesel Injector Problem Additive is a complete engine and fuel treatment. Comes in 6 pak gallons and 35 to 50 gallon drum packages. Comes with easy to follow directions. Phone help English, Spanish, French, German, Russian. Satisfaction guarantee. Ships in a few days by FedEx to your door. cc billing.
vehicle owners using new additives enjoy better performance, lower injector replacement expense and down-times.
This page reviews the advantages new engine and fuel treatments from Slo-wear are providing equipment owners. Slo-wear:
The best Slo-wear Results for a solving diesel fuel injectors problems come with immediate short and long-term advantages that reduces overall cost-per-mile and avoids many now avoidable shop repair needs. The mechanic is now trained to prevent problems - a much greater expense reducing expertise for any company. We train then for you!
Order a trial pak now! Don't wait until something actually breaks.
Order a test of Slo-wear for your truck and a truck with 3000 hours. On a fuel, engine wear and tear problem you hope an additive can correct. Order by pressing shopping cart button
Be forewarned: a good cleaning of the engine and fuel system supports a side-by-side repair of what ever else is needed. Some learn this in steps - I did! By using an additive first, then seeing the need to replace a fail part - that then stood out as the trouble maker.
Slo-wear Diesel Engine Treatment goes one step further by taking total cleaning and conditioning additive approach to the entire fuel, air intake, combustion, rings and valves, valve lifters, and oiling and cleaning factors as subjects for its correction and prevention of diesel fuel injectors problems.
Slo-wear is a Mega Power Researched and Formulated Product I sell under the So-wear Name. Demo shows Friction Reducing Advantage and Heat Reducing Value gained in foe diesel fuel injector problems solving in this Slo-wear offering.
Order a trial pak now! Don't wait until something actually breaks.
Order a test of Slo-wear for your truck and a truck with 3000 hours. On a fuel, engine wear and tear problem you hope an additive can correct. Order by pressing shopping cart button