How Engine and Transmission Problems are Serviced Away With Additive Treatments
No one likes engine-or-transmission problems anymore than I do - and I'm a mechanic - except repair shops and the billion dollar part replacement industry! While many just have the repair done and bite the bill-bullet paying from $2000 to $10,000, frugal and price-conscious car and equipment look for alternatives. They change the oil or fluid to see if that works. If not, they buy part store additives.
Making the problem worst:
Part store additives are often blamed for making the problem worse! That's because their prime ingredients are solvents, that clean to well blocking oil flow, or thick gooey honey-like additives - why put gooey stuff in a motor already gooed up? They are very good profit makers for them. However...
Ending engine and transmission problems removing their issue-causing conditions is how Mega Power Additive Treatments are ending the most serious automotive problems. Mega Power Research developed controlled-speed-cleaning ingredients with enhanced penetrating power to return smooth, powerful, trouble-removing engine and transmission results to end their problems. They :
You are assured problem ending success from Mega Power Engine and Transmission Treatments.
With potent, proven ingredients you are assured of problem-ending success.
Produces a "fantastic driving improvement not expected !"
Even if older - If older, a stronger driving performanc occurs, that can last for years. A secodary benefit of Mega Power Products.
and our service with them found to end almost every engine transmission problem. Its guaranteed to do so! Of course, if its busted, it needs repaired first - However, 99 out of 100 users see the serviced we show you to do with the products ends the pproblem.
Here's how a Mega Power Engine Transmission Additives Treatment takes you car problem ""pain away!
Yes! That's the fix! Everyone waits with bated breath thinking it won't - but it always works. That's because our way of removing years of varnish and friction drag ends the cause of your internal problem. Protectors and conditioners heal the damage -that's the way engine and transmission problem go away. Got that?
Our History:
Treatment not complicated:
This is what the engine transmission products look like.
Order my Mega Power Brand Engine Problem Ending Treatment online, here, Use it for 30 days before payment to make sure its what your engine needs to run great again.
We won't charge your cc anytime in 30 days if not more than pleased with results. Just tell me it failed to work for a 100% refund on the spot guarantee.
Why these additives? : Why better... why I call them Mega Power's Engine Fixher.
Good for brand new, rebuilt, and engines and transmissions needing help .
new engine will produce a certain horsepower. Graphs show this.
What is the graft result in an older engine after Mega Power Brand Engine Transmission Additives are in it?
Ending engine transmission problems with Mega Power's Additives
Should you use this product in a new vehicle? Yes! Old worn one ones with problems? YES!
Pour in the Mega Power Brand Engine Transmission Additives in the fuel engine transmission radiator steering an a/c to improve friction reduction and pepiery response gained. As ign of wear reduction significant to feel occurs.
Mega Power Engine Fixher Treatment products shown, never fails to bring back the vehicles most desirable way to run the best! Its what you thought your oils and fluid changes and repairs should do -butyou now know Mega Power's has the treatment that does. No lesser or more additives have ever match the new cars performance and opertaion and decades longer life that this combination. Try it for 30 days and them pay for if its what's missing in your car care sprotection.
Order the Mega Power Engine Fixher Treatment, and our other Mega Power Brand Engine Transmission Additives shown.
Have an engine problem?
Start with our Engine Fixer if there's a problems. Shipped to your door in about 3 days, with free phone help if needed. Easy-to-follow install directions - Guaranteed to have your car running racy smooth, quiet as new. Problem gone. just $95 - total. Click cart button to purchase. Order now receive our $29 Radiator Leak Preventer Additive for free for even more car care protection.. Contact Info: On a cell phone. To ask about your vehicle problem. Order items mentioned, call me...text me... george at 512 665 3388
YOU Know Your
Cars and Diesels
Are Made To Last A Long Time.
Run Problem Free. But they don't...
Except if you do THIS When a Problem Appears....?
Early in my life, I looked for alternatives to my older, high mileage ( the cars I could afford ) cars popping up ENGINE and TRANSMISSION operating problems.
The reason for shortcuts to keep them going ? Repair -is costly... an I didn't have the funds to pay for them. So I tried additives to see if their would end them. Did they ? Nope!
You like me and most vehicle owners, think the oils and fluids an additives we bought at the part stores should prevent operating and wear out problems. They didn't! The pricy ones with their claims do not end the problems the vehicles have.
This led me to becoming a mechanic --- surely, they are taught such things.
Nope! I know. I went to trade school. They ignore additicvesa s part of repair.
We are taught to identify problem areas of the engine and transmissions, and components. Price out their parts and labor cost, and replace those parts, if the customer said to.
At 22, a friend suggested I check out Justice Brothers Additives in Azusa California - nearby - to sell their additives to mechanics. They have a than everyone elses, he said. I did.
But I wasn't convince until they ran test of friction reduction and cleaning out of sludge and carbon capabilities of their products, c and I installed them in my cars.
They had a lesson on each feature.
Their lessons on additives features good and bad and their products amazing ability to restore engine performanace, tune up tapping, and gear shift performance shift problem fixes are the tools of the trade I now promote - but doing so with a similar company called Mega Power Additives. Mega Power Brand Engine Transmission Additives promoted an additive for engines they said made an amazing improvement to engine operation and problem solving no oil or additive could do.
I replied at their interview," you can get additives in part stores." "Not ones that frees stuck dirty parts and smooths away their friction," he, Ed Justice said and took me into their lab. And to a machine that tested additives and oils. Did so by putting 5 years wear on them motor parts in a few seconds - doing so with an ear splitting squealing and grinding loaded under hundreds of pounds pressure.
Taking away 5 to 10 years wear on the part the clean new surface in ten seconds. Then adding his additives that lubes when oil is squeezed away - ending the squeals, stopping the grinding - giving a the running parts a sudden running perfectly well without oil, perfectly smooth. I then suggested he test my engines oil - the best OIL with a part store additive in it - and I was sure it also would stop the grinding squealing under pressure as his did.
It did nothing of the sort! Yet with his additive added into it, my oil also ran with a sudden running perfectly well without oil, perfectly smooth. twice the wear factor on them.
He explained their tune up features to improve piston and rig and bearing oiling and to clean rings and valves to operated to produce more power output - customers could see and enjoy. Showing mechanics and getting them to do better repairs and tune ups and smoother shifting, profiting off the a Justice Brothers Additives.
I retired off that job, then years later, found a similar line with Mega Power Brand Automotive Additive Maker. A researcher producing similar formulas but for specific car, farm , and race car sludge, friction and their problem causing removing problems.
Learn more... about Engine FixHer << click here.
Or Order our Mega Power Brand Engine Transmission Additives . Like - for its problem ending feature and promoted for 30 years. Try it. Your money refunded if it fails to end the problem.
Order the Mega Power Engine Fixher Treatment, 6 products shown, shipped to your door in about 3 business days, with free phone help if needed. Easy-to-follow directions - Guarantee - at this cart button. $95 - total. Click cart button to purchase. Order here today and get our $29 Radiator Leak Preventer Additive for free for its car care introductory.
Here listed for you are my recipes and my years of expertise FOR MAKING the Mega Power Additive Treatments. Each ends the automotive tune, fuel, engine, transmission, radiator ,steering and a/c problem your vehicles have.
Featuring Mega Powers anti-wear - which slams the brakes on wear and sludge formation - with usages at each oil and fluid change - returns and keeps the original, brand new -like power zip and operation of new - for next 100,ooo miles - for car and equipment owners who see the value of learning how to add endurance to the second of the costliest things they own.
We listed the Mega Power Brand Engine Transmission Additives having the longest record online to be complaint free.
Unlike other additive makers that also sell products to end a few problems - but not mechanical problems - Mega Power seems to end them all.
They are unusual, not because they end mechnical problems - the costliest to repair. But because you get a tune up with each treatment - usually matching your car dealers service for your vehicle - but not with any end to any problems - as Mega Power Brand Engine Transmission Additives provides.
What Mega Power Does to End Your Vehicle Problem.
To do so, after adding the ingredients into the component as shown to, the ingredients go where the oil or fluid can't go - to start undueing the problem. This feature to do so has won them a loyal following -
How to get started with Mega Problem Solving Features.
To help you end your problem, I've packaged them to tackle the whole internal problem and the cause -
Unlike other additives sold, that skirt around the problem causes, [that's why they 're cheaper - but some are more expensive. So check their features against these ].
You add the Mega Power Brand Engine Transmission Additives Products as shown to the fluids - drive a bit to let the additives use the engine or components negatives to actually reverse the problem they caused.
As you drive the problem smooths out and simply goes away. A new-like feel returns.
All in a service anyone can do - nothing to take apart. Not just for mechanics.
Other benefits include a tune up. A release of sludge for drain out, power boost, and a zippy, racy response [ if the 5 components are serviced bumper to bumper ].
This stronger new-like driving response afterwards will impress you if you put them in an older vehicle or diesel.. This from their friction removing and wear removing features.
Servicing problems away has now taken a new directions with these engine transmission additivse from Mega Power Additives.
Delivered to your door in a few days with directions and free tech install guidance - at no chanrge.
You can do the service essily on a week end. some customers start the process and have a mechanic or quick lube finish it.
They also have a guarantee - most additives have no guarantee.
Since most vehicles need a service at problem time each treatment covers the service as it ends the internal problem.
They are intended to do a new vehicle bumper to bumper service. For that reason they exceed all car makers requierments for warranty purposes. Enjoy the wide range of coverage from just 6 problem solves... george
Why Mega Power's Engine FixHer Should BE Your Engine Additive Of Choice
Engines are made to last a long time. But they don't?
We wondered why engines problems suddenly appear- and if they can be ended with additives? We have 6 that do so.
We wondered what additives could make engines last years longer - when their synthetic oils can't seem too? We have 6 that do so. They are included in our Mega Power Brand Engine Transmission Additives treatments.
We wondered what could make engines last years longer - when their synthetic oils can't seem too? We have 6 that do so.
After tearing down engines, we found most to have common problem causes.
These common causes cause bearing,failure, valve tapping, canbon knock, and compression blowby problems.
The causes were not part failure-problems, but mostly due to dirty, gooey tar-like sludge, and friction causing problems.
Where the engine problems originate.
Comparing troubled engines with new ones showed a big change. New engines and transmission parts are clean, smooth, free moving. New parts are shinny, clean, easy moving.
We checked the market for what other aditive brands offered to see what they features as a fix aid.
Additives - we found come three ways.
We Made and Tested our own Formulas. Looking for ways to return the clean smooth, new like state.
The reasoning...
The best results came from sludge removers, conditioners and friction reducers that works both at top and bottom of engines. A combination of cleaning , smoothing, and friction removing combinations no on else had.
Engine trouble occurs when friction drag and dirty binding sludge and carbon hanper internal movement.
When clean and free of friction engine breathing, combustion for horsepower is highest and peak horsepower goes to spin the wheels.
When the opposit is true wear increases at a 50% faster rate, and binding upsets performance,.
Comparing a clean engine with no friction drag to a dirty one shows air movement above 22 inches of engine suction measured witha vacuum gage. An d exhaust combustion below smog particle and gas levels.
A snapshot of the engine spark staying level.
What dirty conditions and friction produces.
A lower vaccumn below 22 inches indicates a dirty, slow valve movement and sticky piston ring action - cause of sludge formation.
A short spark duration or diesel burn shows a fuel richness. This comes from a dirty area and dirty injectors. They form and build sludge and carbon which also holds fuel in a to wet state, That means more combustion is dirty and send it as sludge into the motors oil -causing wear problems down in the engine.
Removing engine sludge and friction are the next problems Mega Power Researches worked on.
This occurs with a formula that soaked the combustion area with a chemical that broke apart carbon and sludge baked on to the rings, valves, and valve stems. formulated chemcicals to reverses the tar-like nature of sludge to frees it of their binding nature.
The result is...
A million satisfied usrs of Mega Power Brand Engine Transmission Additives . Ending their engine problems like oil burning, compression blowby, valve tapping, lousy fuel economy and engine roughness problems with it - they know it works! They avoided a costly $2000 to $5000 common repair cost and gained yers more usage from their vehicles.
The repair way is OK but overkill! With Engine Fixher you end engine problems now upsetting your life! Even ends engine carbon knock and provides fuel injector cleaning. All, a easy to do service. The idea of reversing your engine trouble to end it is the new way to help you run your cars in a great way for many more years. Nothing else can do it like Mega Powers' "Engine Fixher."
Learn more... about our Engine FixHer << click here.
Or Order our Mega Power Brand Engine Transmission Additives online now. Try them for 30 days. And take advantage of our 30 day money back guarantee. Just tell by then if not delighted and they failed to work for a 100% refund on the spot guarantee.
Engine Fixher. Like for its problem ending features. Promted for 30 years. Try it. Your money refunded if it fails to end the problem. It never fails!
Order the Mega Power Engine Fixher Treatment, our Mega Power Brand Engine Transmission Additives products shown, shipped to your door in about 3 days,
Starting with out Mega Power Engine Fixher Treatment. With free phone help if needed. Easy-to-follow install directions - Guaranteed to have your engine running racy smooth, quiet as new. Problem gone. just $95 - total. Click cart button to purchase. Order now receive our $29 Radiator Leak Preventer Additive for free for even more car care protection..
Here's How To Solve Your Transmission Problem
Are you looking for help to take the mystery out of ending your transmission troubles? Tens of thousands use what I call the "TRANSMISSIN FIXHER!" What's so good about it? - its the only product that reverses the problem to be sure it ends!
A holistic set of additives that travel to transmission troubled areas - and takes the cause away. Then conditions the entire system - for a smooth shift comeback. Details :
Order the engine transmission additive: Transmission FixHer here if you want.
Order the Mega Power Transmission Treatment, The Transmission Fixher. 3 products shown, shipped to your door in 3 business days, with free phone help if needed. Easy-to-follow directions - Guarantee - at this cart button. $95 - total. Click cart button to purchase. Order here today and get our $29 Radiator Leak Preventer Additive for free with today's order.
Why engine Engines transmissions additives are called upon for their low-cost solutions to get the component over a burp. A powerful care and repair benefit.
How to Find Mega Power Engine Fixher Treatments For Your Car's Problem...
Ending the mystery:
Automotive is ending the car and diesel mystery about which additives end your vehicles problems by explaining what our expert use. Then,guaranteeing your satisfaction on the outcome.
This is helping car owners, equipment owners, and mechanics end the mystery with explination of how they solve todays' internal engine and gear operating problems. These are the top ten additives to do so - packages to do a treatment - to best end the problem.
, more now than ever before. While additives are often called upon to end burps in vehicles, they also are called upon to end mechanical problems. However.. many people remain unaware of their other benefits.
Additive Treatments
While a single product can solve, or end some problems, sets of automotive additives with a clean, free, heal, fill, and anti-friction features actually end internal, performance, wear, and even mechanical problems like valve tapping, engine knock, shift problems and even gasket leak and overheating problems.
They solve the dilemma engine transmission problems caused me:
Ending those worry's with additives makes life easier. They are found below.
Mega Power Engine Transmission Treatment.
Solving Engine Problems .
Engine problems like oil burning, compression blowby, valve tapping are costly to repair and the problem and the cost are upsetting your life! Engine Transmission Additives Have your ideal solution to end the worrisome sleep about it!
Mega Powers Brand Engine Recovery Treatment.
What it does: Shown above: Ends engine problems like oil burning, compression blowby, valve tapping. It avoids their costly repair. Ends those problems now upsetting your life! Even ends engine carbon knock and provides fuel injector cleaning. All, a no problem to end. Made easier for individuals, mechanics, even equipment owners because instructions are easy to follow. Free Tech Help by phone if needed. one product - so many uses! The ideal solution to get going great again! Professional quality. Add items in 2 phases for a 101% recovery or end to your engine problems. - Nothing to take apart with this method. Driving works away the problem. Fail Proof, and Guaranteed to end those problems. Learn more... about Engine FixHer
Not anymore, with the Mega Power ENGINE FIXHER! ngine fixHer! Engine Transmission Additives Have your ideal solution to end the worrisome sleep about it!
You will see the heart of your ENGINE PROBLEM needs cleaning, freeing, conditioning and protectors.
That's the formula! Some of it can be done with a $2000 to $5000 actual repair. That method works but this one does more by ending the cause. Which do you want?
What choice can do what's needed? Sleep on it and consider whats good for you: Repair, or a Mega Power Engine Treatment? The Engine FixHer!
That's the formula! Some of it can be done with a $2000 to $5000 actual repair. That method works but this one does more by ending the cause. Which do you want?
What choice can do what's needed? Sleep on it and consider whats good for you: Repair, or a Mega Power Engine Treatment?
It seems scary to try an additive, but Mega Power is commonly trusted and actually fairly simple to understand and install with our 2 step method.
The steps:
1- In step one clean out varnish, carbon and residues specific to troublesome part causing problems. As you do free stuck or sluggish parts and remove them in an oil change after a week driving. This starts the engine transmission recovery.
2- at the oil change, with new oil add 2 conditioners to smooths and heal wear-roughen surfaces. and fill worn spaces with a slippery coating - which finally ends remaining engine transmission problems. Learn more at...
Here's How To Solve Your Transmission Problem
To do so, we have taken the mystery out of engine transmission additives so you can use them to end engine transmission troubles.
Seems scary to try. but 100,000 car and equipment owners are using this fairly simple method and learned to understand what's needed, And the install is easy for this complex fix. What to avoid is covered and other repair alternatives..
Read down below to see transmission treatment details and ordering info.
This for the basics we discovered to unravel the engine transmission additives mystery.
Things to know!
A different engine transmission additive
Add items needed as shown to the gas tank, motor oil, transmission fluid. Then driving reverse the problem causes. Ends the problem worrying you. An oil change removes the harmful, and adds problem-healing conditioners. That's how the fix is performed.
Order for both or just engine or transmission. See specials below.
Just A Mega Power Engine Treatment, 6 products shown, shipped to your door in about 3 business days, with free phone help if needed. easy-to-follow directions -Just the engine treatment at this cart button. $95 - total. Click cart button to purchase.
Order both Engine and Transmission Treatments For and Even Greater Protection Value
Service and protect both your Engine $95 and Transmission $75 with both Mega Power Treatments - Save $80 . They both need it; and we'll add this $50 Radiator Cool and Protector to protect one more important system if ordering today! MP Radiator Cool and Protect , a beautiful service treatment, valued because it removes coolant acids and its scum in the system responsible for blocking engine and gear killing, super hot temperature transfers. The hidden cause of engine and gear operating problems. A value you will appreciate as this item adds the missing link to long vehicle life.] A triple protection for total of 12 products sent to your door in 3 - 5 business days. An $80 savings just for you, if you buy today. Total just $140 Save $80."
Order the Mega Power Engine Treatment $95, They are easy to install. Nothing to take a part. Driving does the actual fix. Phone help if needed - free. Guaranteed, and shipped to your door in 3 days by FedEx Regularly $150 now during our special just $95 total. Order now receive our 2 Act Now $49 Radiator and Power Steering Specials for all 8 items just $95. click cart for this special
Mega Power Engine Transmission Additives
In 2 easy steps, following easy-to-follow directions - where 3 items are added to the fuel and oil, and 3 a week later during and oil change ends your engine trouble. You will have found the best solution to avoid costly vehicle problems and their expensive ness.
Mega Power will restore your engine and transmission to a just-like new condition.
Many thousands of car pick up large diesel truck tractor boat and motorcycle owners have already done so. Why not be next? Order Here!
Mega Power Engine Transmission Additives : Engine Treatment.
Add 3 items as shown - drive a week - do an oil change using the other 3 items at that time. Problems goes away! Just $95 - including shipping any 50 states. Other places a bit more postage.
The Treatment order Info.
You get our complete Mega Power Engine Treatment, 6 products shown, shipped to your door in about 3 business days, guaranteed to do as advertised, easy-to-follow directions -Just $95 - including shipping any 50 states. Other places a bit more postage. Click cart button to purchase.
Why wait till it gets worst! Buy Now. Enjoy your car the way it was meant to be.
Our Spring Offer is our Bonus Radiator and Steering System protector. A $40 value free with any order from this site.
Help for your transmission:
Order now! In a few days have what is needed to have your car running-good-as-near new and dependable again.
Mega Power Engine Transmission Additives Products to consider... for your car or heavy equipment...
If your car pick up diesel truck tractor boat or motorcycle has problems like those, you might wonder what works to end, or put off repair as remedy?
Many products claim to clean your engine, but don't or can be harmful. With a million users and no complaints - our treatment cleans your entire engine as well as your gas tank, fuel pump, fuel filter, fuel lines, injectors and catalytic converter - and every part where air, fuel exhaust and oil goes! It's what restores your engine to a just like new condition. How does it do it, you may ask?
Not convinced?
Here's what Alan had to say about the result of following the engine transmission additives treatment recipe.
"Hi George.
I have completed the engine and transmission treatment on two of my vehicles, a 1998 Lexus LS400 and a 1985 Toyota camper. The running problems they had are gone after the install step and the improvement is quite amazing! After the first step install I ran the vehicles for about a week, but I noticed the improvement almost immediately. The odd thing is, I just changed the oil about a month before the treatment so the oil still looked clean. But when I changed the oil in Step Two it came out heavy and black! So, evidently the treatment was cleaning the engine more than my synthetic oil! After the oil change Step using the products for it, my old Lexus is driving like a new car producing much more zip and very smooth shifting again. I have to watch myself on the gas pedal also, as the scar climbs to higher speeds much faster than it use too! The Toyota camper was always under-powered with its four cylinder engine, but the treatment has also given it an extra horsepower boost. Both engines just purr, and the engine valve tap and rough shift are nearly gone and getting less as I drive. I was somewhat skeptical before, but now I'm a believer! Thank you George, for giving me a way to restore new life to vehicles I really thought needed serious repair! " Alan Fincke Boston MA Mega Power Engine Transmission Additives
Engine Transmission Additives: Read the page a couple times to get the full import of what you are on to. Then order with no risk of loss with full guarantee offer. The service lets you do the ending of any problem and better way to control the reduction of their expensive troubles.
PS: One other thing my friend - Fill in the info here for my email newsletter. It keep reminding you of what to do - so there'never a worry.